Create a UnityAds Account
1. Create an account with UnityAds. You can do so here.
2. Click Dashboard enter the app creation interface.
Create UnityAds New Project
1.1. Enter the Projects section and select Create project to start creating an application.
2. Enter the Monetization section, select Organization Overview in the left navigation bar and click Get started to start creating an advertising application.
3. Select the corresponding options in turn and press ok to save.
- Make sure to select I only plan to use Unity Ads
- Select No, I want to start fresh to create new advertising information, and click Next
- If your app has not been released yet, please select ‘My app is not live in an app store yet’
- If your app has been published, please fill in the corresponding app link on the corresponding platform. If you only publish on one platform, please select 'I don't publish on Apple App Store' or 'I don't publish on Google Play' on another platform Store'
- Select if your app is not published on Google Play and App Store‘I don’t publish on Apple App Store’和‘I don’t publish on Google Play Store’
Add Placement
1. Click Monetization → Ad Units →Add Ad unit.After clicking into the Project section, Unity will create a video ad slot and a rewardedVideo ad slot by default.
2. Fill in the Ad Unit Name, select the display platform and the form of the ad space that needs to be created, and click Create.
4. Click Save.
- Placement ID: You can define your Placement ID by yourself, we suggest you name it: Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country. (Example: 6539_Unity_USA_40)
Status: and Placement status, Enabled is on, Disabled is off.
Ad types: After clicking, you can choose the accepted creative types, including Video (video), Display (picture), and Playable (try play). It is recommended to check video and play play.
Muting: Refers to whether the advertisement is muted. It is recommended to select Audio not muted.
Allow skip: Whether to allow the ad to be skipped. Select No for rewarded video ad slot (cannot be skipped). Generally select Yes for interstitial video (can be skipped).
OpenMediation Platform Configuration
Ad Network
1. Enter the OpenMediation publisher platform platform, click on Ad Network → click Edit behind UnityAds.
2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.
Game ID: Fill in the Ad Unit Name, select the display platform and the form of the ad space that needs to be created, and click Create.
Currency: Select the corresponding currency unit in the UnityAds platform.
API Key: You can obtain the API Key through the following steps.
- Get the API Key behind the Monetization Stats API Access of the API Management module on the Monetization page. If it is not automatically generated, click Create API Key to generate it.
- Organization core ID: You can get it in the Organization Settings of the Unity backend.
Add Instance
1. Click Mediation → Ad unit → Add Instance.
2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.
- Ad Network: Select UnityAds.
Instance Name: You can define the name of your ad unit yourself, we suggest you name it: Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country_Floor Price. (E.g: 6539_Unity_USA_40)
Unit ID: You can enter the Placement interface to get it, which is the Placement ID.
UnityAds Test Mode
It is very important to enable test mode for testing. We strongly recommend that you test in the following ways before the app is released.
1. Click the Settings drop-down menu to enter the Project Settings page, and select the Test mode module. After selecting the application platform, check the Override client test mode, and select Force test mode ON (i.e. use test ads) for all devices. After clicking save, the test mode is turned on.
2.Add test equipment
- Platform: Mobile platform
- Device name: You can define it yourself
- Advertising ID : Android is the GAID of the mobile phone, IOS is the IDFA of the mobile phone
Add the UnityAds SDK&Adapter to Your Build
1. Add the Unity SDK
- Add the following to your application-level build.gradle file inside dependencies section.
implementation ''
2. Add the Unity Adapter
OpenMediation supports both Gradle dependencies and Manual download mechanisms.
Gradle dependencies
- Add the following in your application-level build.gradle file inside dependencies section.
implementation 'com.openmediation.adapters:unity:+'
Manual download
- Download the unity Adapter from here.
- Add the unity Adapter to Your Project.
3. For ProGuard Users Only
If you are using ProGuard with the UnityAds adapter, you must add the following code to your ProGuard configuration (Android Studio: or Eclipse: proguard-project.txt):
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface
-keep class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface {
-keep class com.unity3d.** {
OpenMediation supports both Cocoapods and Manualdownload mechanisms.
To Integrate the Unity SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you are good to go!
pod 'UnityAds'
Manual Download
1. Download the Unity framework
- you can find the lastest Unity SDK here.
2. Add the Unity frameworks to your Project
You are now all set to deliver UnityAds within your application!
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