
Create an Application in AdColony

1. Go to AdColony's website and log in.___1.jpg

2. Select the MONETIZATION section above, click on the upper right Setup New App to start creating an application.___2.jpg

3. Agree to the GDPR Data Processing Agreement for Publishers.___3.jpg

4. Fill in the relevant program information and Create New App.___4.jpg

  • Is this app localized to a specific store?: If your app is only available for a single region, please select a specific region; in other cases, please select Global.
  • What is your application's name? If your app is live on the Market or App Store, enter the title and we'll find it!: If your app is already on the App Store, please fill in your application name to check. If your app is not yet on the app store, please ignore this option and fill in after the app is on the store.

  • Enable Ad Skipping After X Seconds: After checking and filling in the value, it means that the ads under the application can be skipped after X seconds. Usually unchecked, set in the subsequent ad unit.

  • Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) Options: Check and represent that your application directly faces children under the age of 13 and complies with the COPPA agreement. You can go to Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. to learn more.

  • Ad Audio Settings (SDK 3.3.6+ Required)Ad audio settings.
    • Start With Sound On (Recommended) means that the audio is turned on by default when advertising is played;
    • Start With Sound Off means that the audio is turned off by default when playing an advertisement;
    • Start With Sound On/Sound Off, Default to Device's Silent Mode Settings is to set the default value according to the silent state of the device.
    • Usually choose Start With Sound On.
  • Customize Ads: Customize the types of ads that you allow in your references.


Add Placement

1. Select the MONETIZATION section above, and select the corresponding application below.___5.jpg

2. Click Setup New Ad Zone to create an ad unit.___6.jpg

3. After filling in the ad unit information, click Create.___7.jpg

  • Zone is active: Select Yes to open the status of the ad unit, and No means the ad slot is closed.
  • Name your ad zone: You can define your own code location name, we recommend you name it Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country_Floor Price. (Example: 6539_AdColony_USA_40)

  • Special notes on this zone: Here you can fill in the corresponding notes for this ad unit yourself.

  • Ad Zone Size: Full Screen includes rewarded video and interstitial advertising types.

OpenMediation currently does not support AdColony Banner ad slots.

  • Reward Users for Viewing an Ad (Full Screen Only): If you create a rewarded ad unit, please check this option; if you create an interstitial ad unit, please ignore this option.

  • Virtual Currency Name: the name of the prize. If S2S callback is not applicable, this option will not affect the actual prize name.

  • Daily Max Videos per User: That is, the maximum advertising frequency for a single user, usually 0 is selected, which means unlimited.

  • Reward Amount: It is the amount of reward, you can fill in by yourself.

  • Server Side Authentication: If you do not use S2S provided by AdColony, you do not need to check this option.

  • Allow All Compatible Ad Formats (Recommended): Checking means that the ad unit accepts all creative types, usually checked.

  • Allow All Campaign Types (Recommended): Checking means that the ad unit accepts performance ads and brand ads, two types of campaigns.

  • Daily Play Cap & Session Play Cap: Refers to the maximum number of times the user launches the application each time, usually 0 is selected.

  • Ad Skipping: Refers to the status of ad skipping. If you create a rewarded video ad unit, please select Default (Disabled) or Disabled, which means that the ad of this ad unit cannot be skipped;

If you create an interstitial ad unit, please select Enabled, and fill in the minimum time that allows the ad to be skipped after Seconds, usually 6, which means that the ad can be skipped after 6 seconds.

  • Show test ads only (for dev or debug)?: If you check Yes, AdColony will fill all ad requests with test ads. If you choose No, it is a formal advertisement.
    • It is recommended that you select Yes before the test is successful, and switch it to NO after the test is correct.
    • If your app has not been officially launched in the app store, AdColony will not fill the ads.


OpenMediation Platform Configuration

Ad Network

1. Enter the OpenMediation publisher platform, click Ad Network → click Edit behind AdColony.___8.jpg

2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.


  • App ID:
    • Click Monetization Application.___10.jpg
    • You can get the AdColony App UUID on this interface.___11.jpg
  • Currency: Select the corresponding currency unit in your AdColony report module.

  • Read-Only API Key: You can get your Read-Only API Key in the Account Settings of the Settings button at the upper right of the AdColony platform.___12.jpg


Add Instance

1. Click Mediation → Ad unit → Add Instance.___13.jpg

2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.___14.jpg

  • Ad Network: Select AdColony.

  • Instance Name: You can define the name of your ad unit yourself, we suggest you name it: Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country_Floor Price.(E.g: 6539_AdColony_USA_40)

  • Unit ID 

    • Click Monetization Application.___15.jpg

    • Click the corresponding ad unit (Zone).___16.jpg 
    • You can get Zone ID on this interface.___17.jpg


AdColony Test Mode

1.Click Monetization Application.___18.jpg

2. Click the ad unit (Zone) to be tested.___19.jpg

3. In the Development module below, check Yes for the Show test ads only (for dev or debug) option, and click Save.20.png


Add the AdColony SDK&Adapter to Your Build


1. Add the AdColony SDK

  • Add to your project-level build.gradle file.
allprojects {
    repositories {
  • Add to your application-level build.gradle file.
implementation 'com.adcolony:sdk:+'
implementation ''

2. Add the AdColony Adapter

    OpenMediation supports both Gradle dependencies and Manual download mechanisms.

       Gradle dependencies

  • Add the following in your application-level build.gradle file.
implementation 'com.openmediation.adapters:adcolony:+'

       Manual download

  • Download the AdColony Adapter from here.
  • Add the AdColony Adapter to Your Project.

3. For Proguard Users Only

If you are using ProGuard with the AdColony adapter, you must add the following code to your ProGuard configuration (Android Studio: or Eclipse: proguard-project.txt):

-keepclassmembers class * {
    @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
-keepclassmembers class com.adcolony.sdk.ADCNative** {



OpenMediation supports both Cocoapods and Manualdownload mechanisms.


To Integrate the AdColony SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you are good to go!

pod 'AdColonySDK'

Manual Download

1. Download the AdColony framework

  • you can find the lastest AdColony SDK here.

2. Add the AdColony frameworks to your Project

You are now all set to deliver AdColony Ads within your application.

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