Create an Application in Chartboost
1. Enter the Chartboost interface and click +APP button to create an application.
2. Fill in the information and click Save to complete the application creation.
Platform: Select the platform corresponding to the application.
App Nickname: You can name the app yourself, and the name will be displayed on the dashboard.
App Store ID or iTunes URL / App Bundle ID: If your app is already on the app store, please fill in the corresponding app store App ID here.
App Orientation: Select 'Landscape' or 'Portrait'.
Test Mode: Select Enabled here to turn on the test mode. When the test mode is turned on, all advertisement requests obtained by Chartboost will be filled with test ads.
Behavioral Targeting: Usually not selected.
- Block Creative Types: Blocking creative types is not recommended because it may decrease publisher revenue.
- Static: Checking means that image ads are not allowed.
- Video: Checking means that video ads are not allowed.
- Playable: Checking means that trial advertising is not allowed.
Note: Checking will affect the filling and filling rate, it is recommended not to check.
Start a new campaign
1. Click the upper left corner, and select the corresponding application, select + CAMPAIGN in the lower left corner.
2. Select Network Publishing.Note: You need to complete the payment information and complete the application review before you can complete the creation of the ad unit.
You can click the drop-down menu on the upper right and enter the Magage Funds module. Complete the payment information in the Payment Details panel.
3. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.
Campaign Name: You can define the name of your ad unit yourself, we suggest you name it: Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country_Floor Price.(E.g: 6539_CB_USA_40)
Placement Type: Select the appropriate ad unit type.
Logic: The weighting system of the internal advertising space in Chartboots. Choose Highest to represent the highest weight, usually Highest.
- Filtering: Usually do not adjust.
- Audience: It can be targeted by users of the game type, usually without adjustment.
Note: After Chartboost creates an application, a review is required, that is, APP Review. If the number of applications in Select app(s) is displayed as 0 (as shown in the figure below), you need to complete the Application Review. After the review is completed, you can add ads unit.
OpenMediation Platform Configuration
Ad Network
1. Enter the OpenMediation publisher platform, click on Ad Network → click Edit behind Chartboost.
2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.
- APP ID&App Signature: After selecting the specified application, click the APP SETTINGS menu on the left to open the Basic Settings panel, and App ID & App Signature is displayed on the right.
Currency: Select the corresponding currency unit in your Chartboost report module.
User ID&User Signatures: Click on Chartboost in the upper left corner to return to the All Apps interface, click on TOOLS menu to open the API Explorer panel, User ID&User Signature is displayed on the panel.
Add Instance
1. Click Mediation → Ad unit → Add Instance.
2. After filling in the relevant information, click Save.
Ad Network: Select Chartboost。
Instance Name: You can define the name of your ad unit yourself, we suggest you name it: Placement ID_Ad Network Name_ Country_Floor Price.(E.g: 6539_CB_USA_40)
Unti ID: After you select the corresponding application, click Publishing Campaigns in the MONETIZATION menu, and the Campaign Name is the Unit ID.
Chartboost Test Mode
1. Enter the Chartboost platform and select the corresponding application. Click APP SETTINGS → Basic Settings in the left navigation bar.
2. Enable the Test Mode and enter the test failure time below.
Add the Chartboost SDK&Adapter to Your Build
1. Add the Chartboost SDK
- Add to your application-level build.gradle file inside dependencies section.
implementation 'com.chartboost:chartboost-sdk:+'
implementation ''
implementation ''
2. Add the Chartboost Adapter
OpenMediation supports both Gradle dependencies and Manual download mechanisms.
Gradle dependencies
- Add the following in your application-level build.gradle file.
implementation 'com.openmediation.adapters:chartboost:+'
Manual download
- Download the Chartboost Adapter from here
- Add the Chartboost Adapter to Your Project.
3. For Proguard Users Only
If you are using ProGuard with the Chartboost adapter, you must add the following code to your ProGuard configuration (Android Studio: or Eclipse: proguard-project.txt):
-dontwarn com.chartboost.**
-keep class com.chartboost.** { *; }
-dontwarn org.greenrobot.eventbus.**
-keep class org.greenrobot.eventbus.** { *; }
OpenMediation supports both Cocoapods and Manualdownload mechanisms.
To Integrate the Chartboost SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you are good to go!
pod 'ChartboostSDK'
To Integrate the Chartboost Bid SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you are good to go!
pod 'ChartboostHelium'
Manual Download
1. Download the Chartboost framework
- you can find the lastest Chartboost SDK here.
2. Add the Chartboost frameworks to your Project
You are now all set to deliver Chartboost Ads within your application.
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