Mediation rule settings

Mediation Rule:  A system established for the Instance priority sequence corresponding to the segmented traffic (Segment).

After you configure the application , placement, and the corresponding Instances, you need to set the mediation rules according to the traffic requirements, and add the required instances under the corresponding rules. , Sorted from top to bottom according to priority to form a Mediation Rule. Once everything is ready, you can start monetize through OpenMediation.


1. Please click on the list of apps on the OpenMediation homepage to select the corresponding app and enter the monetize function. 

2. Click on Mediation in the left navigation bar Setup to go to the monetize function page.


3. Select the placement that needs to be configured, and click +Add Mediation Rule in the Mediation Rule sub-interface to configure mediation rule.


Tip:If you don't have apps and placement configured, refer to Add and manage your App, Placement setting.

2. Mediation information settings

2.1 Basic information

  • Name:Enter mediation rule name.
  • Region:The region targeted by the mediation rule.
  • App Tracking Transparency allowed:

    On: When the device can obtain the device ID (idfa/gaid), it can target this mediation rule.

    Off: Regardless of whether the device obtains the device ID (idfa/gaid), it will target this mediation rule.


2.2 Advanced Options   

1.Click the Advanced Options button under the basic information, push down to display advanced information configuration.


2.Advanced information list


  • App Version: Restrict the version of the application, e.g.1.0.2.
  • OS Version: Restrict the version range of the device system used by the user.
  • SDK Version: Limit the SDK version that the application integrates.
  • Frequency:To limit the number of times ads can be displayed in the placement, you need to fill in the form “ n ~ N”, e.g. 5 ~ 12, only show 5 ads to the same user within 12 hours, if you don't fill in, it will take effect for all.
  • IAP(USD):Target IAP users, enter the IAP amount range to complete the setting, and leave it blank to take effect for all.
  • Gender: Restrict gender and show ads only to a certain gender.
  • Age: Restrict the age range of users.
  • Connection Type: Select the network environment orientation: Wifi; 2G; 3G; 4G. If you leave it blank, it will take effect for all.
  • Model Type: Select the device type, Phone client; Pad device client; TV client. If you leave it blank, it will take effect for all.
  • Device Brand: Set a whitelist or blacklist for the device brand. Include means that only advertisements will be displayed for the device brand; Exclude means that advertisements will not be displayed for the device brand. For example: Include: Samsung, Apple, HUAWEI, HTC. Not filling in is effective for all.
  • Device Model: Set a whitelist or blacklist for the device model. Include means that only advertisements will be displayed for the device models filled in; Exclude means that advertisements will not be displayed for the filled device models. For example: Include: iPhone12,1, 601SO, 606SH. Not filling in is effective for all.
  • Custom Tags: Filter the content and value range of the field according to the self-defined field.


Tips: Generally speaking, you don't need to set so many dimensions in the initial stage of monetization; in the stable period of monetization, you can set the Frequency and Device latitude according to the magnitude, product architecture, and the energy of the operators.

3. In-app bidding instances settings

The in-app bidding instances are automatically sorted by bid price. When you have configured the in-app instances and want to use it, you only need to turn on the status switch to activate the instance.


4. Waterfall instances settings

4.1 Waterfall groups

Due to the large number of waterfall instances, for better management and optimization, it is divided into 3 priority groups. They are sorted by priority, the first level, the second level and the third level.

Optimized type: Each group can set an independent optimized type, auto or manual.

  • Auto: The instances will be automatically sorted according to the historical eCPM.
  • Manual: The instances will be sorted by you.


4.2 Instance settings

1.Select the configuration group and set the optimized type for it, manual or auto.

2.Click the +enable instance button.


3.Select the instance you want to use and turn on the switch in the status list.


4.3 Instance Sorting


In automatic mode, the group is sorted automatically based on historical eCPM performance. When you drop an instance it will automatically correct the sorting based on historical data.


2. Manual mode

In manual mode, you have two ways to change the current order.

  1. Adjust the instance priority, enter the desired ranking position in the priority column, and adjust the ranking.
  2. Adjust the ranking of instances by dragging.


3. Sorting between groups

You can drag to adjust the instance  priority between groups. When the ending point is auto mode group, the instances will be automatically sorted. When the end point is manual group, the instance will select the sort position according to the end point.



When a mediation rule includes both in-app bidding instances and a waterfall advertising level, the in-app instance will be sorted according to the price with waterfall instances.

5. Adjust mediation rule parameters

You can adjust the parameters of ad loading according to the actual situation in order to maximize the monetization benefits.

Please go back to the sub-interface of mediation rules, select the corresponding placement and click Settings to enter the mediation rules setting interface, adjust the advertisement loading parameters, and click Save to complete the settings.


Video placement parameter setting:

  • Pool Size: advertising inventory threshold. When the actual advertising inventory is lower than this value, it will trigger the SDK to automatically replenish inventory. The default setting is 2.
  • Preload Timeout(s): Regularly check the refresh interval of the inventory number, check whether the inventory advertisement is sufficient within the set time, if it is not sufficient, request the advertisement to be loaded through the Waterfall setting; if it is sufficient, the request is not sent. The refresh interval cannot be less than 30s, and the default setting is 30s.
  • Inventory interval: The request timeout period. A single Instance request exceeding this value will be judged as a timeout. The default setting is 30s;
  • Max Concurrency: The maximum number of concurrent loads, which controls the maximum number of Instances concurrently requested by Waterfall at one time, the default setting is 2.


Banner/Native placement parameter setting:

  • Fan Out: ON state is the fill rate priority mode; OFF state is the effective return per thousand (eCPM) priority mode.
  • Batch Size: The instance will be divided into multiple groups, Batch Size is the number of instance in a group, the default setting is 2.
  • Preload Timeout(s): the timeout period of preloading in the group, the default setting is 30s.


6. Adjust mediation rules

6.1 View mediation rule data

On the edit mediation rule page, you can filter and view the data of mediation rules through ad network, instance, region and time.


6.2 Adjust the instance of mediation rules

With data, you can optimize by adjusting the mode and sorting of the mediation rules. If the existing instances cannot meet the current strategy, you can adjust by adding instances.


Method 1:

On the aggregation rule editing page, click + Add Instance to add instances.


In the Add instance window, fill in instance information. The difference from the instance page is that it is activated in the current mediation rule by default after being added, so the group should be selected through Target Tier.


Method 2:

You can batch add them on the instance sub-pages in the normal mode, and you can learn more about them through the instance configuration.

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