Ad Unit

Before You Start

Before integrating ads unit in your app, you must:

  • In the OpenMediation UI, create an account, create an app, and create an ad placement. You can follow guides here.
  • Follow our steps to Cocos Plugin Integration by integrating the Cocos Plugin into your project.

The OpenMediation SDK is now included in your app when you deploy it to either the Android or iOS platform. You're now ready to implement ad unit. OpenMediation Cocos Plugin offers multiple ad types.. You can choose the one that best fits your user experience needs.


Rewarded Video Ad

Rewarded video ads with strong interactive ability has become the mainstream form of mobile advertising industry. It is becoming increasingly common for mobile game developers to rely more on built-in ads than IAP to monetize.

The OpenMediation Rewarded Video ad unit offers an engaging ad experience that rewards your users with valuable virtual content in exchange for a completed view. This user-initiated ad unit is great for gaming apps, and enhances your apps experience. This section tells you how to init, load, and show Rewarded Video Ads.

Step 1. Implement Rewarded Video Events 

The OpenMediation Cocos Plugin fires several events to inform you of ad availability.

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:


    onRewardedVideoAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
        // Invoked when the ad availability status is changed

    onRewardedVideoShow: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the RewardedVideo ad view has opened

    onRewardedVideoShowFailed: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the call to show a rewarded video has failed

    onRewardedVideoClosed: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the RewardedVideo ad is closed

    onRewardedVideoStarted: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the RewardedVideo ad start to play

    onRewardedVideoEnded: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the RewardedVideo ad play end

    onRewardedVideoReceiveRewarded: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the video is completed and the user should be rewarded

    onRewardedVideoClicked: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the user clicked on the RewardedVideo ad

Note: Do not assume the callbacks are always running on the main thread. Any UI interaction or updates resulting from callbacks need to be passed to the main thread before executing.

Step 2. Check Ad Availability

After the Rewarded Ad is successfully loaded, you will be notified when the ad is available to be shown through the onRewardedVideoAvailabilityChanged callback which will inform you the availability of ad inventory. 

onRewardedVideoAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
    // Invoked when the ad availability status is changed

Another way to check if the ad is available is by calling the isRewardedVideoReady function directly.

if (OpenMediation.Ads.rewardedVideoIsReady()) {

Step 3. Show a RewardedVideo Ad

We strongly recommend checking the ad's availability by calling the isRewardedVideoReady method before you serve Rewarded Video .

if (Om.Agent.isRewardedVideoReady()) {
Om.Agent.showRewardedVideo("Your Video SceneName");


Interstitial Ad

The Interstitial is a full-screen ad unit, usually served at natural transition points during an app's lifecycle. Both static and video interstitials are supported.

Step 1. Implement Interstitial Events

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:


    onInterstitialAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
        // Invoked when the interstitial ad availability status is changed

    onInterstitialShow: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the Interstitial ad has opened

    onInterstitialShowFailed: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the Interstitial ad has showed failed

    onInterstitialClosed: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the Interstitial ad is closed

    onInterstitialClicked: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the user clicked on the Interstitial ad

 Step 2. Check Ad Availability

After the Interstitial Ad is successfully loaded, you will be notified when the ad is available to be shown through the onInterstitialAvailabilityChanged callback which will inform you the availability of ad inventory.

onInterstitialAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
    // Invoked when the interstitial ad availability status is changed

Another way to check if the ad is available is by calling the interstitialIsReady function directly.


Step 3. Show a Interstitial Ad

We strongly recommend checking the ad's availability by calling the interstitialIsReady method before you serve Interstitial Ad.

if (OpenMediation.Ads.interstitialIsReady()) {


Banner Ad

Mobile banner ads are typically displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, and stick to the screen for the duration of the user’s session. Banner ads are a very popular ad unit for mobile apps because they are easy to implement and are a great tool for promoting advertiser awareness.

Step 1. Implement Banner Events

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:


    onBannerLoadSuccess: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when Banner Ad load success

    onBannerLoadFailed: function (placementId, msg) {
        // Invoked when Banner Ad load failed

    onBannerClicked: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when the user clicked on the Banner Ad

Step 2. Load Banner Ad

To load a Banner ad, call the following method:

Load the Banner view by calling this method:

// placementId string
// adSize int 0:Banner; 1:MediumRectangle; 2:Leaderboard; 3:Smart
// position int 0:Bottom; 1:Top
OpenMediation.Ads.loadBanner(placementId, 0, 0)

see table below for details about our supported standard banner sizes:

BannerSize Description Dimensions (WxH) (points in iOS, dp in Android)
BANNER Standard Banner 320 x 50
LARGE Large Banner 320 x 90
RECTANGLE Medium Rectangular Banner 300 x 250
Smart Banner
(Adjusted for both mobile and tablet)
If (iPhone) 320 x 50
If (iPad) 728 x 90
If (screen height ≤ 720) 320 x 50
If (screen height > 720) 728 x 90

See table below for details about our supported standard banner positions:

BannerPosition Description
TOP Banner will be positioned at the top center of the screen
BOTTOM Banner will be positioned at the bottom center of the screen

You will receive the onBannerLoadSuccess and the banner will show on your app.

Hide & Display Banner

In order to provide maximum flexibility in the ad experience, you now have the ability to hide and present banners on your app.

Unlike with the Android and iOS native implementations, when banner is loaded for the first time, it will show itself, and there won’t be a need to call displayBanner().

Once you’ve loaded and served a banner, you can choose to hide this banner and re-show it at a later point in your app.

To hide the banner, call this function:


 To then show this same banner again, call this function:


Step 3.Destroy Banner Ad

To destroy a banner, call the following method:


A destroyed banner can no longer be loaded. If you want to serve it again, you must initiate it again.


Promotion Ad

Step 1. Implement Promotion Events

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:


    onPromotionAdAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
        // Invoked when PromotionAd availability changed

    onPromotionAdShow: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the PromotionAd has opened

    onPromotionAdViewWillDisappear: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the PromotionAd is closed

    onPromotionAdClicked: function (scene) {
        // Invoked when the user clicked on the PromotionAd

Step 2. Check Ad Availability

After the Promotion Ad is successfully loaded, you will be notified when the ad is available to be shown through the onPromotionAdAvailabilityChanged callback which will inform you the availability of ad inventory.

onPromotionAdAvailabilityChanged: function (available) {
    // Invoked when PromotionAd availability changed

Another way to check if the ad is available is by calling the promotionAdIsReady function directly.



Step 3. Show a Promotion Ad

We recommend checking the ad's availability by calling the promotionAdIsReady method before you serve Promotion Ad.

if (OpenMediation.Ads.promotionAdIsReady()) {
    // Scene name
    // Ad width
    // Ad height
    // The distance from the left side of the screen, the value is 0~1, default 0
    // The distance from the top side of the screen, the value is 0~1, default 0
    // Take the center as the dot and rotate the angle clockwise, default 0
    OpenMediation.Ads.showPromotionAd('scene', 132, 153, 0, 0.3, 20);


Splash Ad

Step 1. Implement SplashAd Events

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:


    onSplashLoadSuccess: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when Splash Ad load success

    onSplashLoadFailed: function (placementId, msg) {
        // Invoked when Splash Ad load failed

    onSplashShow: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when Splash Ad has opened

    onSplashShowFailed: function (placementId, msg) {
        // Invoked when Splash Ad has showed failed

    onSplashClicked: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when the user clicked on the Splash Ad

    onSplashClosed: function (placementId) {
        // Invoked when the Splash Ad is closed


Step 2. Load Splash Ad

To load a Splash ad, call the following method:



Step 3. Check Ad Availability

After the SplashAd is successfully loaded, you will be notified when the ad is available to be shown through the onSplashLoadSuccess callback which will inform you the availability of ad inventory. 

Another way to check if the ad is available is by calling the isSplashAdReady function directly.



Step 4. Show a Splash Ad

We recommend checking the ad's availability by calling the splashAdIsReady method before you serve Splash Ad.

if (OpenMediation.Ads.splashAdIsReady(placementId)) {



Enable local logging: (For local debugging only. Remove it before going live.)

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